Sunday, March 16, 2014,
To my Lovely Penelope... 1 year has past since the 1st day we decided to be together till now. The sweet memories of us, holding each other hand in hand, walking side by side, had never leave my mind. Still remember our very 1st date. Not as a couple yet. We were then fond of each other, but we just doesn't know how to begin. I tried to ask you out, and to my surprise, you really agree to meet. I was hopping like mad when you agree to meet. But when we meet up, I tried to stay as calm as I am, in order not to scare you away. 😁 Our 1st official date as a couple begin in 17 March 2013. This time it feel kind of like awkward.. Nervous was the main cause for it... That day, I'm really finding a lot of chance to hold your hand.. and Finally, I got to do it in Bugis junction.. ✌️ On July 2013, your birthday celebration.. It was the 1st time we went on a stay-cation at Siloso Beach Resort at Sentosa together. The feeling of staying by your side for the 3 days was really amazing. Especially hugging you and watching you falling asleep right beside me, it really makes me feel even more protective over you.😘 On November 2013, I had fallen real sick that I can't even walk till I had to be bedridden for quite sometime. But no matter how tired you were back then, without fail, you always come to my house to accompany me. I'm really very touch to see you almost everyday, accompanying me, taking care of me and worried for me. Of course, I do felt bad that I can't accompany you to do things that wanted to at that period. But I will try my best to compensate you for the time lost during that period. 💖 On 31 December 2013 and 1st January 2014. This was the 1st time that I had celebrated new year with someone that I truly Love.. It might be just a simple celebration, but I could really feel the heat that warm both our heart. 😘 6 to 8 March 2014. This was the very 1st oversea trip that we went together. I believe, more trips will be coming on our way. 😁 Friends and relative would asked me, "Penang fun mehx?". But well, it's not about whether it's fun or not, it's about who you actually spent the trip with. I really had a great time with you. Thanks for the trip Dear. 😘 17 March 2014. This day mark the 1st year of our journey.. 😘💖 The sweet memories we had throughout the year really makes me feel so love and bless. It really warm my heart with you staying by my side. I don't need anything from you, but just a simple request, I'm content that you can always be by my side. And Yes, there's also difficult times for us too... There's moment when things don't turn out well for us. There's moment when we doesn't share the same thought. There's moment that my stupidity, stubbornness, childishness, makes you angry and upset. But we always managed to overcome every thing. I might not be as romantic as other guys.. I might not be able to provides you with lots of surprises.. I might not be sensitive sometime when you are upset.. But no matter what, I will always try my very best to makes you love me even more, protect you and makes you feel more secure.. And... In this world, nobody will ever know how much I Love you. Nobody will ever know how much I'm willing to change for you. Nobody will know how much I'm willing to do things for you. Only you got the answer to all this question. Dear... Thanks for the love that you had shower on me for the past 1 year. And.. my love for you can never be measure by anything. Happy 1st Anniversary my Dear.. I wishes for a better and smooth future for both of us. I Love You Dear Dextor
Experimenting on Sunday, March 16, 2014.

Thursday, April 18, 2013,
2013年 2月 24日 星期天 這一天晚上,我買了 KOI 到妳家樓下。說是和妳交換我們的書,順便買妳愛喝的 Black Tea Macchiato。其實,都是借口。想見妳卻是真的。^^ 2013年 3月 3日 星期天 這一天,我們一起去了 Kino。第一次和妳出去,有點興奮,有點開心。和喜歡的女生出去,誰會不開心。那天,逛著逛著,我就拿出了手機,上了 Facebook。這時,我突然看到妳的 Post。看了那個 Post,如果我沒錯的話,妳應該也喜歡上我了吧。可是,我也不敢想太多,就當若無其事,什麼也沒看到。逛完後,我們去了 Plaza Singapura 吃晚餐。我邊走邊鬧著妳,就想逗妳開心。吃完晚餐後,我們到了街上,回去拿車途中,妳突然看到一個人抱著一只狗,然後妳就把我拉到一旁。在這時,我好想牽著妳的手,保護妳。-.- 2013年 3月 10日 星期天 妳剛從曼谷回來。那天晚上,我的手機從沒離開我身邊,為了就是等妳回新加坡能 Apps 我。当我收到妳的 Apps 時,我開心的不得了。我們聊著聊著。突然,我問妳在 Facebook 上 Post 了好多東西,彷彿就像在想某某人似的。問妳是誰妳也不說,反過來問我在我的 Blog 上是哪位女生。在妳逼供之下,我終於招認了。我終於對妳告白了。得知我對妳有好感後,妳也沒拒絕我。而且妳也讓我知道了,其實妳也對我有好感。就因為妳這答案,我整夜都開心的睡不著。^^ 2013年 3月 12日 星期二 妳知道我病了,發燒。在晚上,妳還從這麼遠的地方,把溫度計送來我家。還叮嚀我,一天一定要測量我的體溫三次。妳的體貼,讓我感動哦。^^ 2013年 3月 17日 星期天 這天,算是我們第一次正式的交往吧。我放工,回家梳洗後,就馬上趕去附約了。我們從白天走到黑夜。走著走著,我就牽了妳的手,而妳也沒反抗,傻傻的就讓我牽了。就從那刻起,我就對自己說,"我會緊握著妳的手,不會輕易地放開的"。^^ 2013年 3月 18日 星期一 這天旁晚,妳辦完事過後。妳約了我陪妳吃晚餐。晚餐後,我們小逛了一下下,我就送妳回家了。雖然相處的時間不是很長,可是也算足夠了。^^ 2013年 3月 21日 星期四 我放工回家,而妳還在上班。妳突然告訴我妳想吃cheesecake。雖然妳不想我累壞我自己,從老遠把 cheesecake 送到妳那。可是,因為太想念妳的原因,我還是把妳想吃的 cheesecake 和妳看中的水壺送到 Raffles Place MRT 等妳下班,接妳回家。^^ 2013年 3月 23日 星期六 這天晚上約了妳和妳的朋友吃晚餐。第一次見妳朋友,心裡難免會有點忐忑不安。但見到妳朋友後,我卻覺得沒我想像那麼可怕。雖然我們在找餐廳時,走了些許 "冤枉路",但我也沒埋怨,因為我知道有妳在我身邊。雖然那天晚上我和妳朋友都在"欺負"妳,是因為我不想把場面搞得太僵,我才和妳朋友聯手"欺負"妳的。^^ 2013年 3月 24日 星期天 這一天,因為妳晚上需要出席妳堂姐在 Jewel Box 舉行的婚宴,所以我們沒見面。我也覺得有點寂寞。-.- 2013年 3月 29日 星期五 (Good Friday) 記得妳星期天(3月 24日)向我提起,妳想乘坐 Cable Car,想到 Mount Faber 看夜景。所以,在這一天我也就帶著妳乘坐 Cable Car 到 Sentosa 和 Mount Faber 去拍拖了。我們從白天走到旁晚,到了 Mount Faber 某個角落休息和看夜景。坐了好一段時間,還拍了兩雙"我們的腳"。晚上,我朋友突然說要見面,還硬要我帶妳去找他們。我也沒辦法,就只在好吃完晚餐後,帶妳去見他們了。^^ 2013年 3月 31日 星期天 我在旁晚,到了 Lot 1 的圖書館接妳,然後到 Jurong Point Shopping 和吃晚餐。晚餐後,我們就去了 Jurong Point 附近的公園散步。^^ 2013年 4月 1日 星期一 放了工,回到家時,感覺有點累,又很想你,而妳也很想見我。就因為妳想見我的這個原因,我再累,我都會去見妳的。見了妳,再累也都值得的。^^ 2013年 4月 6日 星期六 這天,妳需要到公司 OT,我也需要工作。萬萬沒想到,我放工後,既然看到妳傻乎乎的在 BBDC 外的 bus stop 等我。雖然我們約在晚上見面,可是妳突然的出現,讓我覺得有點驚訝,也很開心。Dear,謝謝妳的出現,就讓我覺得很溫馨。到了晚上,見面的時間雖然很短,但也足夠溫暖我們的心。^^ 2013年 4月 7日 星期天 我們到了 West Coast Park 散步。從白天走到旁晚,也就希望能夠和妳看日落。可是就因為天不作美,我們看不到日落。就也沒關係,然後,我們到了JCube 吃晚餐。過後我就送妳回家了。^^ 2013年 4月 15日 星期一 這天,我們在一起已經有一個月了。我對妳的愛是有增無減。每天都在期待週末的來臨。每天都在盼望可以早點見到妳。每時每刻都在想念著妳。和妳在一起的這一個月,覺得好自由自在,好開心,好幸福。^^ Dear,我想對妳說•••謝謝妳。 謝謝妳讓我喜歡妳的體貼,妳的任性,妳的孩子氣。 謝謝妳讓我學習怎麼去愛妳,疼妳,寵妳。 謝謝妳讓我體會到什麼是愛人與被愛的滋味。 💍妳手上的這枚戒指,代表了我。 代表了我•••對妳的愛, 代表了我•••對妳的心, 代表了我•••對妳的承諾。 它也代表了我,永遠陪在妳身邊。 💖Dear, 我愛妳💖 I LOVE YOU💖
Experimenting on Thursday, April 18, 2013.

Saturday, March 9, 2013,
2013年 3月 9日 陰天
我•••能喜歡妳嗎??? 春
Experimenting on Saturday, March 09, 2013.

2013年 3月 9日 凌晨
到底我們是有緣份相遇,還是有緣無份的偶遇••• 春
Experimenting on Saturday, March 09, 2013.

Thursday, March 7, 2013,
2013年 3月 7日 晴天
思念是一種病••• 一種無藥可醫的病••• 春
Experimenting on Thursday, March 07, 2013.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013,
2013年 3月 6日 晴天
我•••好想她。少了她在夜裡的'嘮叨',就仿佛覺得很空虛,很寂寞。 春
Experimenting on Wednesday, March 06, 2013.

Sunday, February 24, 2013,
2013年 2月 24日 凌晨
深夜了,一個人躺在床上沉思著。想了好多事。特別是我•••喜歡的那位女生。我在想,到底為何我會喜歡上她? 她到底那一點吸引了我? 說實在的,我也不是很清楚為什麼我會喜歡上她。就覺得喜歡嘛,也沒任何特別的理由。就只能說,感覺、直覺告訴我,她•••也許就是我喜歡的類型吧! 某些時候,我覺得她好成熟,好有女人味。某些時候,卻又覺得她有點小女生。可能就是這樣才被她吸引的吧。想追她,卻又不敢。沒錯的話,她目前應該沒男朋友。但有心上人嗎,這我就不知道了。想告訴她,我喜歡她,可是又擔心表錯情。不告訴她,又擔心會後悔沒跟她表白。好矛盾哦。既然現在我的心還沒定下來,那一切順其自然吧。 春
Experimenting on Sunday, February 24, 2013.

Photobucket Name:Dextor 陈金春
Status:单身 Single

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